Years ago, I made the decision to put people at the centre of what I do by becoming a therapist, and it’s been the best decision I ever made. Helping people heal and learn to love life is beautiful work which I feel very grateful to be able to do.

I have been providing therapy for people since 2019, while completing an Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling accredited by the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) at the Iron Mill College. While completing my counselling training, I worked in the field of mental health in a variety of supportive roles with people experiencing autistic spectrum conditions, learning disabilities, offenders, victims of crime, survivors of abuse, those experiencing substance dependency issues as well as victims of modern slavery.

I am passionate about neuroplasticity, the capacity of the person to change and the way the therapeutic relationship can facilitate healing change, having experienced it myself as well as through those with whom I work. Recent neuroscience shows that neuroplasticity continues throughout the lifespan meaning change and healing are always possible at the levels of being, behaviour, feeling, relating and thinking etc.

The area of therapeutic work which I am most deeply drawn to, is the ongoing expression of early life attachment trauma in the adult’s present moment. Through therapy, by working with the emotional needs that weren’t met or the feelings which were completely shut off in infancy, the adult can simply feel better than they had ever thought possible.

I am currently training as a Soul Motion embodied movement facilitator in order to be able to incorporate dance and movement into my model of therapeutic integration. My own experiences of movement have demonstrated its capacity to support neuroplasticity and heal trauma stored by the brain and body. 

I am fascinated by the spiritual/transpersonal aspects of the person as well as different states of consciousness. I maintain a daily practice of insight meditation as a means of directly experiencing the radiant peace and happiness of being and my capacity to bring that experience into day to day life.

Healing, recovery, thriving and achieving a truly satisfying experience of becoming who we are as people within a complex world is not a one size fits all process. Consequently, I feel constantly inspired to develop and grow as both a practitioner and person, in order to offer whatever support I can to you on your unique journey through life.

I really look forward to meeting and working with you.